Friday, June 30, 2006

CLImax 1.5d2 re-released  


Any old-school scripters out there might be happy to hear that I've re-released CLImax 1.5d2, which I recently rediscovered on a long-lost backup.

CLImax is an AppleScript command-line interface for the Mac OS. It was originally written in 1996 for System 7.5, and development was stopped in 1998. Ten years after its first release, version 1.5d2 can still run under Classic today. It's not as convenient as it was under 9.2.2 natively, but it's not bad either.

I've received a bunch of positive comments about CLImax from people including Bill Cheeseman (of AppleScript Sourcebook), Ray Barber (of MacScripter), and Peter Hosey (of Adium X). Peter was the one who actually got me to re-release it.

CLImax 1.5d2 is now FREEWARE and available at no charge. Be sure to visit the CLImax homepage for more information, including screenshots.

I'm currently soliciting feedback on whether it'd be worth porting it to Mac OS X and creating a modern version. Thoughts?


  • Peter Hosey said...

    As I mentioned in my email to you, I think it would be both easier (with Cocoa + OSAKit) and at least as beneficial to scripters now as it was in the OS 9 days. So I'd love to see it reborn in a new, native OS X version.

  • Anonymous said...

    I would be interested in using this application if it was to move over into OS X. I feel it would be something that I would probably use weekley if not daily. Since I do not have Classic installed on my current machine I will not have a chance to give it a test run unless you see fit to port it. Fingers crossed.